Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Podcasting - Redux

My first ever favourite blogger - Librarian in Black - has just published a new entry about how she keeps up to date with technology and libraries. You can jump to the link here to read about all the methods she uses to keep up. She may very well be crazy, but her knowledge in the field makes her a good blogger.

One of the myriad ways she keeps up is through podcasting. If you go through and read her post, she has a very crummy commute every day - close to 2 hours, each way. So podcasting is ideal for her to fill the time with learning as she drives.

Interestingly, she has a little list of criteria for her list of regulars, which I'll paste here.

So why these podcasts and not others? They have the three winning factors:

1.Good, quality content of interest to me

2.Quality audio content

3.Good production quality (show-pacing, musical interludes, regular show segments, interesting guests, etc.)
I’ve probably tried out two dozen other podcasts, and unsubscribed because they ended (Boagworld, AdaptivePath), the content was uninteresting, the audio quality was so bad and uneven that my head hurt from listening, or the show production quality was laughable.
So dear reader, if you are going to podcast on a regular basis, or if it is going to form an integral part of your course, take the time to find out about how you can produce a good quality recording, with good quality content.
I scripted mine out, but really needed to rehearse a few times before recording, I had inadvertantly created a tongue twister in my original script - "seond set of shelves". Try saying that out loud!

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