Saturday, July 31, 2010

Podcasting pt. 2

When last I left you dear reader, there was a small bout of madness that had taken root in 'Peggy's Adventures in Podcasting', due to an infection of n00b-ishness. Whilst there are still lingering effects of the dread condition, I feel it safe to report that the goal has now been attained, that is to say, there is now a published podcast. \0/

As reported, I did establish an account with Podbean. As also reported, I tried a number of methods to record a podcast with varying results, but always the same element of a loud hiss overlaying the recording. Luckily I had access to MP3 voice recorders through work.

My original plan was to record my podcast at work in an unused meeting room, to lessen the chances of interruption. However, the recorders do not come with battery, so I needed to bring it home anyway, and I'm glad I did.

The recorder comes with an internal mic and a jack to plug in a mic. I decided to record with out a mic, and one with the mic I had previously tried using.

Happily uploading the results was super-easy since there was a USB connector, so it was simply a matter of drag and drop.

Listening to the first recording (sans mic) sounded okay, until I plugged in earphones. *hissssss*

The second recording (with mic) sounded good with and without headphones.

I logged on to PodBean, clicked on the Publish tab, filled in information such as the name of the podcast, description, and tags, attached the MP3 file of the podcast, then clicked on publish.

I should probably add that beforehand I did the barest minimum of personalising the channel with some tags and other information.

As proof of my success here is the link to the UBLibrary podcasting channel.

And just to show off a bit, here is the podcast itself ( I got the embed code from the website)

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