Monday, July 19, 2010

Another direction (for a while at least)

I'm undertaking a course in which one of the assessment requirements is to start a blog about my "learning journey of elearning tools" listed in the course.

So I figured that I might just piggy-back on my humour blog, and maybe - just maybe - update it bit more than I do. Besides, since my fellow students are obliged to check out each other's blogs, they might enjoy a few jokes along the way.

I realise it's just Blogger, and not something really fancy like WordPress (one of the writers in the Green Guide was complaining about an ICT industry blogger using Blogger) but for my purposes at this point in my infrequent blogging pursuit, establishing a wordPress account, and learning how to use it seems uncessary.
I might just change my avatar from my zombatar to something else.

So welcome my fellow CQU students (and of course lecturer). Any subsequent entries that are course related will have the 'university' label attached for easier location.

I reckon one of my goals (personal) will be to establish a nifty tag cloud the same as the one embedded into our course in Moodle.

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