Friday, September 17, 2010


This is a blog post I have just posted for work about public domain images.
The old adage of “a picture is worth a thousand words” might not cut you any slack with your lecturers with the word counts of your assignments, but a well placed picture can certainly enliven the look of your work and any presentations.

Of course there is the good old standby of Google Image Search  or the image search with Bing but you do get a number of results that are either off topic, inappropriate in size (or content), or watermarked with a logo.

So how then to obtain images that are Royalty Free?

Here are a few sites you can try.

Picture Australia through the National Library of Australia searches through the archives of many Australian libraries, universities and museums.

The Library of Congress in the US has recently made their collection available via Flickr as has NASA.

I mentioned Flickr before, which along with Photobucket are useful sites to search for contemporary images that may have creative commons licences.

This site on Genealogy has a great set of links to various archives around the world. I could link you to numerous sites that have great sets of links, in the end I think this Wikipedia entry on public domain image resources is probably the best set of links available.

One final link I would point you towards is the Duke University subject guide for medical images. This has an extraordinary number of links for medical images.


  1. Peggy,

    How do you get the 'reactions' tab at the bottom of each posting to come up?
    It is a really nice touch - I like it..

  2. On your dashboard, go into Design, then on the edit page screen, click on the Edit link for blog posts. Down the list is Reactions.

    They are editable, so you aren't stuck with the default ones I have.
